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The savings and gains of FWA for broadband providers

Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) offers numerous benefits to broadband providers, making it an attractive option for expanding internet services. Firstly, FWA allows for rapid deployment, especially in areas where traditional wired infrastructure is difficult or expensive to install. This quick deployment can significantly reduce the time to market, enabling providers to reach new customers faster.

Cost savings are another major advantage because FWA eliminates the need for extensive physical cables. FWA can be deployed more quickly, leading to faster returns on investment. Additionally, the costs can be offset by federal funds from the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program, making FWA more economically feasible, particularly in underserved areas. FWA's scalability also allows providers to easily expand their networks by adding more wireless access points or upgrading to newer technologies like 5G.

Flexibility is also a key benefit, as FWA can serve a variety of environments, from residential neighborhoods to temporary sites such as construction zones or event venues. When trying to meet the demands of FWA, wireless service providers can use the industry standard iconectiv® TruOps® Common Language® CLLI™ Codes to identify the best locations to fit their needs and address coverage gaps.